Writing Away Refuge Zoom Pitch Retreat
Workshop your pitch. Pitch the agent.
Registration is CLOSED for the February 8-9, 2025
Writing Away Refuge Zoom Pitch Retreat
(Agent pitch slots are full, but you may still register for the WORKSHOPS ONLY option).

Workshop your pitch. Pitch the agent.
Ready to meet your new writing community?
At Writing Away Refuge, we are all about support and helping you craft your best book and make solid industry connections. The focus of our virtual pitch retreat on February 8-9th, 2025
is powerful story development and delivering a winning pitch.
We have workshops to help you perfect your craft and time allotted for practice pitch sessions as well.
And, best of all, we have 7 literary agents ready to listen to your pitches!
You'll spend the weekend in the comfort of your own home participating in workshops to make your book the best it can be, getting to know and connect with fellow writers, and pitching your completed book to agents if you're at that level in your writing journey (we have special pricing if you only need the workshops but no agent pitches). The Writing Away Virtual Pitch Retreat has it all. During the virtual retreat, we will have author chats, drawings for incredible prizes (including free manuscript evaluations, gift cards, and free memberships to Writing Away), and workshops by amazing industry professionals. Don't miss out!
(You may register for the full retreat that includes agent pitches or for workshops only)
**Please note that pitch sessions with agents are on a first come, first served basis and WILL fill up quickly.
It is best to register early and make your agent selections to ensure you receive your agent preferences. If a desired agent's sessions fill, you will be allowed to submit a written query through our Writing Away Refuge portal that will be reviewed by those agents with priority. Thank you!**
Meet The Workshop Team
Meet the Agents
Pitch up to 7 Literary Agents Over Zoom as part of the Writing Away Refuge Virtual Pitch Retreat, February 8-9th, 2025. Each one-on-one pitch session lasts 5 minutes
and is included in your registration fee. Be sure to register early before their spaces fill. Registering early ensures that you pitch all desired agents.
Alex is actively building her client list, focusing on science fiction, fantasy, and horror. She is a sucker for gothic horror, reimagined folklore, and poetic prose. Alex combines her legal and literary background to work with authors every step of the way on their journey to publication.
See more of Alex's Manuscript Wishlist here: https://www.corvisieroagency.com/alexandra-grana.html
Workshop and Pitch Session Schedules for
February 8-9, 2025
Early Bird Registration for the February 8-9, 2025
Writing Away Refuge Zoom Pitch Retreat is now CLOSED!
(But you may still register for the WORKSHOPS ONLY option.)
No agent Pitches! $49.95