It's all about that perfect pitch!
It's no secret that Writing Away Refuge gives you more opportunity than anyone to pitch to dozens of literary agents throughout the year. But did you know that there are elements to the perfect 2-minute oral pitch that will get you more requests for page reads and full manuscript requests? The perfect pitch is an artform all its own, and there is no one better than Lee Ann Ward to give you that winning formula. An acquisitions editor and former Senior Editor, Lee Ann knows what it takes to land that homerun-hitting pitch, and her virtual one-day masterclass over Zoom will make you a master "pitcher" as well.
Is Your Query Letter Not Getting the Results You Crave?
Have you hit a brick wall with your cold email queries? Do you feel like the slush pile is your new home? Then let Lee Ann show you how to transform your query letter from a slush pile warmer to a full manuscript request generator! As an acquisitions editor, Lee Ann has spent tons of time in the cold query inbox. Let her show you the queries that WORK and the ones that fall flat. You'll leave this masterclass with a winning query as she workshops yours with you! Her personal touch makes all the difference.
​Does the idea of writing a synopsis make you want to hyperventilate?
You have their attention, but now those agents/editors want a synopsis with those sample pages. Panic time? Not at all! Let Lee Ann show you how to master the 1-page, 3-page, 5-page, and even the 10-page synopsis. Short or long, you'll learn the proper structure and format of the formulaic, industry preferred synopsis. Guaranteed.
Masterclass Schedule over Zoom for Saturday, January 11th, 2025
(We are in the Central Time Zone)
9:00 AM--10:30 AM--Art of the Pitch
10:30 AM--10:45 AM--BREAK
10:45 AM--12:15 PM--Writing the Winning Query Letter
12:15 PM--1:00 PM--Lunch
1:00 PM--2:30 PM--Synopsis Writing Extraordinaire! (No matter the length, you'll learn the technique for each!)
2:30 PM--2:45 PM--BREAK
2:45 PM--4:30 PM--Q&A and practice pitches
We can only accept 50 writers in the Masterclass per session, so register early! Our Masterclass Workshop
"Write the Perfect Pitch, Query Letter, and Synopsis" is $85.00